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Einride takes home gold in European Startup Prize for Mobility

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Einride takes home gold in European Startup Prize for Mobility

The European Startup Prize for Mobility is a leading public-private initiative co-founded by the European Parliament’s Transport and Tourism Committee Chairwoman, Karima Delli, Boston Consulting Group and Via ID.

Supported by both the European Parliament and the European Commission, as well as influential partners such as ADP, GRDF, Europcar Mobility Group and RATP, the competition invites mobility startups from around Europe to participate. These partners all bring together their networks, financial knowledge and key areas of influence as they work to recognize future mobility champions over the course of the competition.

- We are on a mission to develop a safe, cost-efficient and sustainable alternative for road freight transport. Getting the right policy in place to facilitate this transformation is key. Being a finalist in the European Startup Prize for Mobility allows us access to important decision makers and opinion makers on an EU-level and a network of potential customers, partners and talent throughout Europe, says Robert Falck, founder & CEO of Einride.

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