Fast-tracking the LA region to electric freight through smart charging

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The Port of Los Angeles is a driver of the American economy, and one of the busiest container ports in the world with a history of being heavily inefficient – a combination that equals more vessels, more trucks, and, consequently, more emissions. In fact, the LA and Long Beach region is home to some of the most polluted areas in the US, where fine particles often violate the nation’s health standards. To help reduce emissions in the area and accelerate a resilient transformation, Einride has opened the country’s largest charging station for electric heavy-duty vehicles in Lynwood, south of Los Angeles, enabling customers in the region to fast-track the switch to electric freight.

“As we continue to move record-breaking cargo volumes, it is imperative that we transform the road freight industry, which accounts for 8% of global CO2 emissions. Congestion and inefficiencies at ports like Los Angeles and Long Beach reduce capacity, raise prices for goods, and create air pollution that disproportionately impacts surrounding communities deepening environmental inequality. The need for smarter solutions has never been greater,” says Michelle Avary, VP External Affairs North America at Einride.

There is a way to keep moving record-breaking numbers of goods without the harmful impact trucks currently have in the region by focusing on electric vehicles and optimizing their capacity. One of the main barriers to the widespread adoption of smarter solutions and electric heavy-duty vehicles is access to reliable and convenient charging infrastructure, which is why Einride decided to open its first Einride Smartcharger Station dedicated to electric trucks in Los Angeles county, close to the I-710.

“The opening of the Smartcharger Station marks a significant milestone in our mission to revolutionize freight transportation.“

The I-710 serves as a heavy-trucking route for the movement of goods from the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to the rest of the country, with about 40,000 diesel trucks traveling via the I-710 every day. Strategically located near these ports, the station caters to the electric transition in the county and beyond, ensuring electric fleets are able to seamlessly integrate into day-to-day shipping operations. Electric trucks benefit from preferred port lanes, boosting operational efficiency by decreasing congestion and driver wait times, which, in turn, improves air quality for the local communities.

With 65 chargers and capacity to charge up to 200 vehicles a day, the Lynwood Station is the largest charging site for electric heavy-duty freight in North America and represents a landmark step for charging infrastructure in the United States. Once the project is fully operational, it’s estimated to save 16,000 metric tonnes of CO2e per year by allowing shippers to transition their operations to electric trucks. This will ultimately have a direct impact on the surrounding pollution-burdened communities by improving both air and noise quality.

Local communities in the line of fire

Despite local government efforts to reduce fossil fuel pollution, the Port of LA’s latest Inventory of Air Emissions showed sharp growth in emissions. According to South Coast AQMD, the high concentration of diesel trucks, ships, trains and cargo-handling equipment makes the Port of LA the largest source of smog-forming pollution in Southern California, regardless of the state of the supply chain, with diesel trucks being the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions and the second-highest source of nitrogen oxides, a contributor to regional smog formation. Due to the increased cargo volumes and recurring supply chain disruptions, the presence of diesel trucks have also increased in nearby residential areas.

Local communities are especially burdened by these problems as they live, work, play and attend schools adjacent to the ports, railyards, and freight corridors and experience the heaviest truck traffic. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, exposure to air pollution associated with emissions from diesel engines can contribute to significant health problems, including premature mortality, increased hospital admissions for heart and lung disease, increased cancer risk, and increased respiratory symptoms – especially for the elderly, outdoor workers, and children. In fact, children in contact with polluted air are five times as likely to have clinically low lung function than children who breathe clean air.

“The Inflation Reduction Act, California Advanced Clean Fleets (ACF), and the National Zero-Emission Freight Corridor Strategy are all speeding up the electric transition in the US, but there is a need to do more. A widespread electric transition across the US will benefit exposed communities and support the process of reaching environmental equality, both in the LA region and the rest of the country", says Michelle.

Improving health equity by transitioning to zero-emission trucks

Inequality plays a perverse role in how the population is affected by the impacts of climate change. The communities surrounding the Port of LA, Long Beach, and the I-710 are, in general, composed of economically disadvantaged and predominantly Black and Latino families – a trend that can be found in different parts of the country. Across the US, 72 million people live close to heavy-trucking routes, they are more likely to be people of color, and in communities with lower average incomes.

“A widespread transition to zero-emission trucks and electricity would improve health, especially in communities near major trucking routes,” says Harold Wimmer, president and CEO of the American Lung Association. “This transition would make important progress toward health equity.”

“A widespread electric transition across the US will benefit exposed communities and support the process of reaching environmental equality.”

According to a report by the American Lung Association, the transition to zero-emission heavy-duty transportation and clean, non-combustion energy by 2050 would result in up to $735 billion in cumulative health benefits, 66,800 avoided deaths, 1.75 million avoided asthma attacks, and 8.5 million avoided lost workdays. The county that is expected to see the most significant health benefits from this transition is Los Angeles County, followed by Cook County, Illinois, and Harris County, Texas.

Accelerate the electric transition with Einride Stations

Einride Smartcharger Stations allow shippers to scale their ambitions. Software and hardware combine to create the smart charging experience. With 6 MW of power and 65 Einride smartchargers, the Lynwood Smartcharger Station will serve up to 200 trucks and, through the implementation of the intelligent freight operating system Einride Saga, ensure reliable and resilient fleet operations.

Currently, the station serves Einride’s connected electric fleets, and is a pivotal enabler in A.P. Moller - Maersk’s transition to electric freight. The station will also be available for future customers in order to fast-track the region to electric freight, with services and amenities such as vehicle maintenance and a drivers’ lounge – a place for drivers to recharge while following key updates such as charge status, remaining time, power output and performance.

The release of the National Zero-Emission Freight Corridor Strategy by the Biden-Harris Administration underscores the interrelationship of charging infrastructure priorities and initiatives across local, state, and federal levels. This strategic alignment not only paves the way for sustainable transportation solutions but also enables Einride to actively contribute to the advancement of zero-emission freight corridors.

“With Einride Saga, we can be precise on the demand, location, timing, and utilization of charging infrastructure, taking the guesswork out of where to enhance the grid to support the larger transformation to electric freight,” says Michelle. “The opening of the Smartcharger Station marks a significant milestone in our mission to revolutionize freight transportation by making it sustainable, efficient, and scalable. This location is the first of many and we are currently exploring additional sites to build charging infrastructure across key strategic locations in the US, ensuring shippers can transition to large-scale and cost-efficient electric freight.”

Einride Saga's ability to accurately compute and determine the power requirements for each inpidual truck and charging site also allows Einride to engage in productive conversations with local policymakers, facilitating mutual support for the grid. As Einride operates electric fleets and offers charging infrastructure, it represents both the demand and supply side of the electric grid. Leveraging data and insights from Saga, Einride effectively bridges the gap between demand and supply, accelerating the transition to cleaner energy and ensuring the scalability of charging infrastructure.

Want to know more about the Lynwood station or charging infrastructure in general? Watch our Einride Webinar "Take charge: How to effectively power electric road freight" to discover the role of intelligent charging infrastructure when it comes to powering a new era of road freight.

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