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Einride participates in research project to develop fossil free transportation in forestry

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Einride participates in research project to develop fossil free transportation in forestry

Focus areas and new technologies like autonomous vehicles, electrification, biobased fuels and system development will be explored as part of the project and how they impact CO2-emissions, cost efficiency and delivery precision. The goal is to understand which systems and combinations of new technologies should be deployed and tested to accelerate the transition to fossil free transports in the forest industry.

The research project is part of Triple F (Fossil Free Freight), a project financed by the Swedish Transport Administration. Companies in the Swedish forest industry is also funding the project. It is led by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and Skogforsk, the Forestry Research Institute of Sweden. Other participants include companies in the forest industry participates. Einride will contribute its knowledge and experience in autonomous, electric transport.

The project starts during the summer of 2019 and will end in June 2021.

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